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About Us

Who is the TMT Band?

T – Tom Schneider. Lead writer, arranger, vocalist, keyboards, synthesizer and acoustic guitar.  It all starts here…

M – Mike Schneider. Writer, arranger, bass, drums, percussion, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, classical guitar.

T – Ted Schneider. Writer, acoustic guitar, twelve string guitar.

TMT is somewhat unique, in that, we don’t tour and, believe it or not, we don’t rehearse. This is because we live many miles apart. The music pulls us together.

Here’s how we do it.

We all have home recording systems. Tom and Mike have Pro-Tools rigs. Tom will write the base song, track the vocals and keyboard, include some basic drums, then, through the beauty of the internet, send the session a thousand miles away to Mike. Here we add the drums, guitars and other instruments. There may also be some changes such as tempo, solo add, extra bridge or other tweaks. Once this is accomplished, the session is sent back to Tom to have Ted add his tracks. This is also the time when we may ask a “special guest” to play at either home studio.  Any added tracks are sent to Mike for insertion to the master session. Then we listen…. And listen… Some songs come together quickly with just two of us on the recording, others take longer. Some songs tend to morph over time. Occasionally the final product bears little resemblance to the original song! That’s the beauty of recording original music.

Once the session is fully tracked and we are happy with the outcome, Mike will edit the session and scrubbed it for any extraneous noises. Then a rough mix is performed. The session is then sent to Gulf Tone Studios for a professional final mix and mastering. All in all, it’s a true labor of love and a load of fun!